Friday 25 September 2009


CollabMag is a sixth form magazine designed and  created by sixth form students.
The overall look and feel of the magazine is representative of a student magazine. It uses a neutral background colour of grey to draw attention to what is in the foreground of the front cover. Of of the most noticeable things about the foreground is the "splash" of pain and the round symbols. These are used to represent youth and excitement. Usually nightclubs use these sorts of artwork on their flyers to give the impression of a youthful club night. The way that they have created this artwork too makes it look like it is bursting out the page, which represents that the magazine is jam packed and full to bursting of great stuff to read and see.  They also have used vibrant colours for both the title and the centre picture, to attract the attention to these elements.

The images on the magazine are all showing college life and are all taking around the college. This is to to represent what the college is like and is showing the successes of the college. In all the pictures the facial expressions on all the people shown are of smiles, this is done to represent that the college is good fun and that you will always be smiling. If you look at the title, you can see that they use a relatively in-formal font type and they use block capitals for the whole title, which suggests that they are trying to portray the college as being youthful, and "cool", and not just sticking to the formal rules. Also the actual name of the magazine "CollabMag" suggests that the college is very close, the collaborate and work together almost like a family.

On the front cover of the magazine is a list of achievement that the college have managed to get. This is put on their to show how successful the college is and also to interest readers into finding out the whole story inside. It gives the reader an expectation of what is to come without even having to turn the page.
What is noticeable from the cover of the magazine is that there is a lack of representation of males. Most of the people in the main picture are females, and there is no mention of males with any text on the cover, again just females.

Overall, i believe this is a good example of a student magazine. It is bright, vibrant, different, attractive, interesting and makes me want to find out what else is in the magazine, just by looking at the cover.

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