Tuesday 15 September 2009

Representation of Arnold S. across these two magazines.

This first magazine concentrate on the fact that Arnold is the governor of California rather than going into his film career. This straight away tells us that the target audience for this magazine is for intellectual people, maybe interested in politics, but also the general world around them. For example some of the other articles in the magazine are to do with music awards, science discoveries and new novels. The smart dress suggests that he is an important individual with great power. He would want to be represented this way so that people would take his as seriously as a governor as they do as an actor. 

This magazine portrays him in a different light. He is seen her as the unstoppable movie charter rather than a governor. The magazine has used him as in films he is portrayed as a very strong charter. The target audience for this magazine is more towards the fitness market and body builders. The captions suggests that Arnold is going to show you how to get muscles like his.

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