Monday 28 September 2009

Cue Magazine

Cue is a student magazine available for free. The title CUE stands for : College University Edition and from that we can tell that its main target audience is the student population of around 16-21 year olds. The font they have used for the title also suggests that it is aimed at the youth, as it is a rounded, "cool" font.

The background picture is of a female student standing behind a college building. They have used a long depth of field to blur out the building and tree to concentrate the readers eye on the character in the foreground. She is smiling and holding books the smiling represent that she is having a good time and the books are used to suggest learning.

The language they have used and the vibrant colours they have used for the sub titles catches your eye because of the vibrant colours and also makes you want to read that artical because of the wording use. For example it says "New kid on the block... What CUE and cover girl Elaine have in common" It makes you want to find out what they do have in common.
There is also one that says "ten ways to freak out your room mate" this is perfect for the target audience of the magazine as most of the readers will be in accommodation with rooms mates and will want to know the best way to get one up on their room mates.

Overall, the magazine targets its audience very well both with the use of vibrant colours but also with cleaver wording which makes the reader want to know more and to buy the magazine!

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